
Bacon on his way home, despite chaos in Washington

Press Release   Posted by Tony Vargas · October 13, 2023

Bacon on his way home, despite chaos in Washington

Bacon and fellow Republicans are boarding flights out of DC, leaving a long list of unfinished business

Omaha, Neb. – Congressman Don Bacon and his fellow Republicans are on their way out of Washington after a week of making little to no progress on selecting a new speaker or moving critical legislation forward.

“It’s the end of another week and Don Bacon and House Republicans have again left the country in chaos – there is no speaker, an expired Farm Bill, expired funding for childcare, a government on the brink of shutdown, and they’re nowhere near passing critical funding for Israel,” Vargas said. “At the end of the day it’s all talk and no results, as usual. Nebraskans deserve better representation than this and America needs leaders who will actually step up and come to the table with solutions that will move our country forward.”